Cash Pool Model
Introduction |
This simple model illustrates the benefits
of implementing a cash pooling solution. Cash pooling is optimal
for corporations that have affiliates conducting business
in different countries and with multiple currencies. It is
the basis for setting up a corporate in-house bank with whom
affiliates can execute cash transactions like they normally
would with a commercial bank. The difference is cost -- services
through an in-house bank are free within the organization.
The cash pool model will show how this works and how it can
drastically reduce borrowing and transaction costs, minimize
exchange rate risk, and improve overall liquidity forecasting.
To understand the major concepts of cash
pooling, two common Treasury scenarios are presented with
and without the cash pool: Foreign Exchange
and Affiliate Netting. Typical Cash
Pool Account Structures are also discussed.
One of the major responsibilities of an
effective cash manager is determining short-term liquidity
needs for the corporation. For example, if more cash is needed
to satisfy todays payments, cash is borrowed. And if
incoming cash is forecasted tomorrow, it can be invested or
used to pay back the borrowed money. Cash planning becomes
more complex when the corporation starts dealing with foreign
currencies. If the corporation does not have enough British
Pounds to make payments to a number of foreign vendors but
has excess US dollars, a foreign exchange (FX) deal is made
with the appropriate financial institution to exchange US
dollars for British Pounds. Once the FX deal is executed,
a currency exchange rate risk is created and should be hedged
with a futures contract.
The above situation is manageable with reasonable cost
if the corporation is doing business in a single country
with a majority of its transactions conducted in local currency.
However, real cash management inefficiencies occur when
a corporation starts to expand globally. Because each country
has its own tax and legal requirements and the corporation
may have specialized business strategies tailored for each
country, cash is naturally managed separately on a country-by-country
basis. As a consequence, each is executing its own borrowing,
investing, FX, and hedging deals. From a global, corporate-wide
perspective; the net result is redundant and overlapping
execution of Treasury transactions. Cash pooling and the
concept of an in-house bank dissolves this redundancy as
the scenarios below illustrate.
Scenario #1a - Foreign
Exchange without Cash Pool |
The diagram below is an example of four
affiliates or companies within the same organization, two
in the U.S. (US1 and US2) and the other two in Germany (DE1
and DE2) who manage their cash at the country level. In this
simple scenario, the US companies concentrate their US dollar
(USD) collection accounts into Company US1s disbursement
account [1]. Likewise, the German affiliates concentrate their
collection accounts into the appropriate US dollar and Euro
(EUR) disbursement accounts [2]. Company US1 finds it has
excess US dollars available during the next few days and decides
to make use of it by selling commercial paper [3]. In Germany
however, Company DE1 is in dire need of USD to payoff its
foreign vendors and elects to execute a foreign exchange (FX)
deal with the bank to buy USD for EUR [4] and to borrow any
additional US dollars for the remaining balance needed for
payments [5]. To offset any currency exchange risk, Company
DE1 hedges between USD and EUR with a futures contract [6].
Note the Company DE1 could have saved the trouble and expense
of borrowing, exchanging, and hedging with the commercial
bank by borrowing the USD from its affiliate Company US1 or
from any one of the organizations other affiliates who
have excess USD. Scenario #1b illustrates how this can be
done with a cash pool.
Scenario #1b - Foreign
Exchange with Cash Pool |
The diagram below illustrates the same
foreign exchange scenario above except the cash pool is involved.
Company CASH1 owns the cash pool and acts as the in-house
bank for the organization by pooling together excess cash
from all companies. The cash can be used for optimal global
investing and for funding company accounts with negative balances.
In this scenario, Company US1 informs Company CASH1 it wants
to invest its excess USD because it will be unused during
the next few days [1]. Company DE1 tells Company CASH1 it
needs USD to pay off its foreign vendors and wants to exchange
EUR for USD [2] and borrow the remaining USD forecasted [3].
So Company CASH1 uses USD from Company US1 to lend to Company
DE1 and keeps the EUR Company DE1 has offered in the FX for
overnight investing or funding to another affiliates
EUR account.
The net effect is zero transaction costs and no exchange
rate risk because all the cash is moved and exchanged internally
through the in-house bank cash pool. Any cash needs that
cannot be satisfied by the cash pool are borrowed from an
external commercial bank [4]. Likewise, any excess cash
the organization has as a whole is invested [5]. Cash pooling
makes hedging easier to manage and reduces exchange rate
risk because all cash is centralized. This enables the organization
to move closer to a perfect hedge while eliminating redundant
FX transactions.
Although conceptually simple; managing
the accounting, reporting, liquidity planning and forecasting
for cash pooling can become complex with hundreds of companies
and bank accounts. SAP is ideal for cash pooling because
it is an integrated system by design. This is a huge advantage
over third-party Treasury systems because a significant
amount of configuration such as company and general ledger
account setup is already in place. In contrast, a third-party
Treasury system interfaced to SAP requires the same bank
account, general ledger, and company information in SAP;
thus duplicating the effort.
Scenario #2a - Affiliate
Accounting without Cash Pool Netting |
A common practice within large
organizations is to conduct business among its own affiliates
or companies. There are many strategic and cost-saving reasons
for doing this. However, additional costs are accrued when
real money is transacted during affiliate trading. The following
scenario shows how these additional costs are accumulated.
Three European Union affiliates EU1, EU2, and
EU3 conduct business with each other during the course of
a month as indicated in the diagram below. For simplicity,
assume the transaction currency is the same. Because real
cash is exchanged, payments and receipts are processed through
the bank; thus accruing substantial banking charges as transaction
volume increases. At month-end, Company EU1 has an affiliate
balance of +200, Company EU2 has +800, and Company EU3 has
-1000. The net balance for all three companies is zero. From
a shareholder perspective, paying bank fees to move cash from
one account to another within the same organization may not
make sense. Its like paying to transfer a dollar bill
from one pants pocket to the other. Scenario #2b below offers
a solution to avoid such fees.
There is another drawback with
using cash for affiliate transactions. From a cash management
standpoint, affiliate transactions can significantly distort
the liquidity forecast and cause unnecessary borrowing. For
example, the Treasury department runs a liquidity forecast
and sees it needs to make $200M in payments but only $50M
is available in the disbursement account. So the $150M is
borrowed with a 6% overnight lending rate. However, unknown
to Treasury, $100M out of the $150M consists of affiliate
payments. This isnt discovered until the bank statement
is received the following morning showing the $100M total
coming back into the organization as receipts. Now Treasury
has an excess of $100M and the cash must be invested at a
lower 5% overnight rate. The cost of moving cash from one
pocket to another is $1M. More importantly, the unnecessary
cash movement distorts the true cash needs of the organization
and as a consequence, can be detrimental to business planning
and to its strategic execution. True situations like this
exist with major corporations today.
Scenario #2b - Affiliate
Accounting with Cash Pool Netting |
The diagram below illustrates how the cash
pool can save money by cash-settling affiliate transactions
only once per accounting period (e.g. at month-end). The dashed
lines show the transactions that occurred among the affiliates
during the course of a month. The accounting for payments
and receipts are maintained exactly as in Scenario #2a except
the only difference is cash is not moved until month-end.
Goods and services are still exchanged during the month as
usual. At month-end, the net balance of each company is calculated.
If a company has a negative balance, it must physically pay
the cash pool the balance. If a company has a positive balance,
it will receive the amount from the cash pool. This is reflected
with solid lines in the diagram below. All in all, the total
affiliate balance for the organization becomes net zero. More
importantly, monthly transaction costs are minimized to a
single payment per company and prevents unnecessary borrowing
costs as demonstrated in Scenario #2a.
Affiliate netting services are offered by
some banking institutions but they
are expensive and require each company to furnish the transaction
data. This extra effort and cost does not make sense when
netting can easily be implemented in SAP. In addition, interest
for cash that should have been paid during the month can also
be distributed accordingly to each affiliate. Interest needs
to be calculated to compensate for companies that do not receive
cash until month-end. This opportunity cost can impact the
performance of an individual company so the appropriate accounting
should be done. Although affiliate netting and proper interest
distribution is currently not a feature in SAPs Treasury
module, the customization is minimal and costing only a fraction
of a years worth of affiliate netting services.
Cash Pool Account Structures |
The above cash pool model is adaptable
to match different organizational structures. A typical
the cash pool structure is to organize the bank accounts
by country and region. In this structure, cash is initially
concentrated separately in each country. The primary reason
is the inherent dominance of that countrys local currency
and its legal requirements. Cash can then be pooled globally
or regionally depending on the business needs and time zone
factors. Cash pools can also be organized per business unit
rather than by country. Each corporation must evaluate the
best design but typically the cash pool structure maps very
closely to the existing organizational structure